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The mural is a gift to the community from the Maffia Family in honor of their daughter, Kendall, who was a kind, thoughtful, funny, smart and talented young woman. Working with the owner of the building, and http://Fox.Build, Doug Kimber, they commissioned artist, Catherine Tilly, to create this beautiful, inspiring work of art!
The theme and colors of the mural reflect Kendall’s blue eyes, and her love of butterflies, as well as her constant desire to make people feel important and loved, by always being kind!
To learn more about Kendall Maffia, visit kendallskindness.com…and, in Kendall’s own words, “Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today”!
The theme and colors of the mural reflect Kendall’s blue eyes, and her love of butterflies, as well as her constant desire to make people feel important and loved, by always being kind!
To learn more about Kendall Maffia, visit kendallskindness.com…and, in Kendall’s own words, “Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today”!
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